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Quick Archaeological Study

The purpose of this study is to obtain a quick overview of the presence or absence of evidence of the existence of an archaeological site and obtaining professional certification on the situation of the land in subject.

This should be used when you want to develop buildings, houses, buildings for trade or industry, earthworks, landfills, docks, containment structures, bridges, viaducts, excavations, roads and in general, any work that modifies or alters the ground where development is requested.

It is represented by a fast filling form, called Archaeological Inspection Form, which is done by a professional in archeology once he has made an inspection of the area where the activity, work or project will be developed.

This document must indicate the presence or absence of one or several cultural traits, understood as any material evidence of prehispanic activity. It should indicate the density of material or quantity of archaeological materials that are observed at an inspection by m2.
Prehispanic ceramics includes everything from intact pieces made out of dried or cooked clay to fragments of the same material. Other objects may be lithic instruments, tools or debris made from different types of rocks.There are also many types of traits that are subject to study such as tombs, mounds or foundations.

With this information, it must be explained if an archaeological site, not previously reported, is determined by the inspection, a duly completed registration form must be attached to the report. In addition, information such as the approximate length of the archaeological site and a map or sketch should be included.
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Geo Costa Rica - Environmental Consultants

Processing, monitoring and environmental assessment in hydrogeological studies, natural hazards, well drilling, water concession and Environmental Impact Studies.

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For more information or quotes do not hesitate to contact us
Desamparados San José, Costa Rica
Phone: 2259-7340 Cell phone: 8721-6931 E-mail: apadilla@geocostarica.com
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