Water Flow Measurement
A water gauge consists of the application of a water flow measurement method, for which the volume and speed the water transits in a section of a given source (river, stream, spring or well) is measured in a given time.
Water gauges are of importance where it is necessary to understand the water production capacity of a river, a spring or a well, as is the case of the process of obtaining a water concession, hydroelectric projects, the elaboration of aqueduct systems and ASADAS, aquaculture projects and in the construction sector to design gutters, culverts, heads among many other hydraulic infrastructure works.
There are several methods to gauge water currents according to the source to be measured and the water flow to be measured, but basically it consists of measuring a flow rate that is given by speed and time (Q = V / t).
In terms of surface water, volumetric methods can be applied, applicable to small water flows, which consists of measuring the filling time of a container of known volume.
The gauge with a current meter, more appropriate for higher flows, in which a transversal tracing of the current to be measured is performed to calculate the area and it is divided into cells or portions of flow to perform the water velocity measurement in each of the cells with the use of a tool called current meter.
In the case of the capacity of underground sources such as wells, the capacity is obtained by means of pumping tests, drawing water from the well at a constant flow rate for a period of 24 to 72 hours and measuring in constant intervals of time the descent of the water table or decrease in groundwater level in a given time.
The capacity of wells is important to determine the performance of aquifers, project the type of pump needed for the well and assess the most appropriate exploitation flow to not affect the aquifer, it is also important in the process environmental feasibility and water concession of perforated wells.
In Geo Costa Rica conducted water flows of rivers, springs and wells are used to determine the flow of water for carrying out various hydrogeological studies, processing of water concessions among others where it is important to know data about the flow of water.