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Water Concession

The water resource is a fundamental factor in the development of activities, works or projects to guarantee its development and stability. Water in Costa Rica is public domain and property of the state, the use of the resource can be done through a Water Concession.

The institution responsible for granting this concession is the Water Directorate (DA) of the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE), seeking integrated and sustainable management of water resources, guaranteeing availability in appropriate quantity and quality.

In Geo Costa Rica we work constantly in the processing and monitoring of water concessions in the Water Directorate of MINAE, likewise if necessary, we carry out all the studies for SENARA's opinions and process the Environmental Viability in SETENA to offer our clients the complete process to obtain the concession of the hydric resource necessary for the development of their projects.

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Geo Costa Rica - Environmental Consultants

Processing, monitoring and environmental assessment in hydrogeological studies, natural hazards, well drilling, water concession and Environmental Impact Studies.

More information?

For more information or quotes do not hesitate to contact us
Desamparados San José, Costa Rica
Phone: 2259-7340 Cell phone: 8721-6931 E-mail: apadilla@geocostarica.com
Contact us here!

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