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We process the following permits:

Secretaria Técnica Nacional Ambiental (SETENA)

Any activity, work or project must obtain the environmental viability of SETENA, be it a project of low environmental impact that must make the Form D2 or one of medium or high environmental impact that Form D1 must make.

In Geo Costa Rica we have the equipment and experience to carry out the Environmental Impact Studies (EIA), the Environmental Management Plans (PGA) or the Affidavit of Environmental Commitments (DJCA) that this institution requests to obtain environmental viability.


Solicitud de Viabilidad Ambiental (Formularios D1 y D2).

Informes de Regencia Ambiental.

Estudio de geología básica.

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Dirección de aguas (MINAE)

For the drilling of any well or piezometer, you must have the drilling permit granted by the MINAET Water Directorate, in addition, it must have the SENARA endorsement that verifies that the withdrawals of the law are met, otherwise, a Hydrogeological Study must be submitted for the well drilling process and the AyA guarantees that there is no interference with public supply wells.

During our experience Geo Costa Rica has established a close communication between the institutions to obtain the permits, the drilling companies and our clients to process these permits.

Once the well has been drilled, it is necessary to proceed with the Environmental Viability in SETENA to obtain the water concession from the well, otherwise, after a period of time the Water Directorate may request that the well be sealed.

Dirección de Aguas

Permiso de perforación de pozos

Concesión de agua de pozo, superficial o para energía eléctrica.

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Servicio Nacional de Aguas Subterráneas, Riego y Avenamiento (SENARA)

The matrix corresponds to a planning tool for the use of the territory for the protection of groundwater, allowing to define, according to the characteristics of the aquifer, the land use regulations that must be applied for the protection of the underground water resource.

From October 2017 any activity, work or project that you want to develop must have the approval of SENARA of a hydrogeological study and it is the municipalities that indicate if they should carry out the study depending on whether there is a map of vulnerability and recharge of aquifers.

In Geo Costa Rica we work on the preparation of hydrogeological studies to opt for changes in vulnerability and other requirements demanded by SENARA.


Estudio hidrogeológico para optar por el permiso de cambio de vulnerabilidad.

Dictámenes generales y específicos para la evaluación de matriz genérica de protección de acuíferos.

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Comisión Nacional de Emergencias (CNE)

When carrying out the procedures to obtain the construction permits, the Municipality can consider the risk assessment of the land by the CNE for which it is necessary to complete a Request for Valuation form and carry out the corresponding geological studies by a professional in geology.

In Geo Costa Rica we carry out the following geological studies:

Geological faulting, volcanic activity, hydrometeorological threats, slope stability, geotectonic studies or due to geological faults.


Evaluación de riesgo geológico.

Estabilidad de taludes.

Dirección de Geología y Minas (DGM)

Dirección de Geología y Minas

Concesión minera

Instalación de quebradores

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Acueductos y Alcantarillados (AyA)

It is intended that all development have a wastewater treatment system to avoid contamination of groundwater, however many of these measures are excessive depending on the geological environment where they are located.

There is a procedure that must be endorsed by the National Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers, to exempt the construction of a sanitary sewer system and treat the waters through the use of septic tanks and individual drainages.

If, as a conclusion of the analysis of the data, it is determined that the transit time that is obtained allows concluding that the project complies with the regulations, the exemption from the obligation to construct a sanitary sewer system for the project can be given.


Exoneración de alcantarillado sanitario.

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Geo Costa Rica - Environmental Consultants

Processing, monitoring and environmental assessment in hydrogeological studies, natural hazards, well drilling, water concession and Environmental Impact Studies.

More information?

For more information or quotes do not hesitate to contact us
Desamparados San José, Costa Rica
Phone: 2259-7340 Cell phone: 8721-6931 E-mail: apadilla@geocostarica.com
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