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Environmental Viability in SETENA

In Geo Costa Rica we perform all the necessary procedures and studies to obtain Environmental Viability of the National Environmental Technical Secretariat (SETENA). We have the professionals and experience to perform the Basic Engineering Study, the Basic Geology Study and the Rapid Study of Archeology necessary to process Environmental Impact Studies.

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), is a scientific-technical procedure that allows to identify and predict the effects an activity, work or project will exercise on the environment and in this way quantify them with the aim of making decisions to prevent, control, mitigate or compensate the negative effects towards the environment.

To this end, SETENA has an Environmental Assessment Department (DEA) conformed by a multidisciplinary team that analyzes the Environmental Impact Assessments presented by the developers to recommend the approval or rejection of the study to the Plenary Commission.

Depending on the size or environmental impact generated by a particular project, the DEA analyzes the environmental assessment documents Form D1 (for projects of high and moderate environmental impact) or Form D2 (for projects of low environmental impact).
Form D1 must present all activities, works or projects that are developed in a construction footprint greater than 1,000 m2 or that due to their characteristics have a medium or high environmental impact.

This must be completed by the project developer with the technical help of a responsible environmental consultant duly registered in the Environmental Consultants Registry, with pleasure the Geo Costa Rica environmental consultants can help you in this process.

Depending on the activity, work or project that you wish to develop, in addition to the filling out of Form D1, you must present some complementary documents, such as the Basic Engineering Study, the Basic Geology Study or the Rapid Archeology Study. Geo Costa Rica has the experience and professionals necessary to carry out these studies.

Form D2 is for activities, works or projects with construction footprints of less than 1,000m2 and its environmental impact is low.

The process consists of a Sworn Statement from the project developer. Its purpose is to grant potential environmental viability to projects whose potential impact does not consider the realization of a D1 protocol.

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Geo Costa Rica - Environmental Consultants

Processing, monitoring and environmental assessment in hydrogeological studies, natural hazards, well drilling, water concession and Environmental Impact Studies.

More information?

For more information or quotes do not hesitate to contact us
Desamparados San José, Costa Rica
Phone: 2259-7340 Cell phone: 8721-6931 E-mail: apadilla@geocostarica.com
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