In Costa Rica, mining resources are the absolute domain of the State, however, according to the Mining Code, Law N ° 6797, concessions can be granted through quarries, public domain channel and mines.
The Mining Concession is granted by the Executive Power through the Directorate of Geology and Mines (DGM), granting the right to exploit or extract minerals for industrial or commercial purposes.
In order to obtain the Mining Concession, an Environmental Impact Study must also be carried out with the respective analysis of the effects of the project on the environment, as well as the proposal of measures to prevent, correct or mitigate such effects that must be approved by the National Environmental Technical Secretariat (SETENA).
- Quarry
- CDP (Cause de Dominio Publico - Public Water Channels)
- Mines
- DGM (Dirección de Geologia y Minas - Directorate of Geology and Mines)
In Geo Costa Rica we are empowered to carry out the respective procedures at the Geology and Mines Directorate, in addition to the studies necessary for the concession of public areas of quarries and water channels for the extraction of materials.