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Potential Natural Threats

Costa Rica, due to its geographical conditions, is a highly seismic country and the presence of the many volcanoes, rivers and mountains, is exposing the environment to a large number of natural hazards. Natural hazards are all elements of the environment which are dangerous to humans and their activities. These can be of various types such as geological, atmospheric, hydrological or fire phenomena which have the potential to affect human activities.

It is important prior to the development of a project to analyze the condition of the land with respect to the susceptibility to natural hazards to determine if the project can be developed in the proposed place and if it is necessary to implement mitigation measures to reduce an eventu vulnerability condition.

The studies performed by the team of Geo Costa Rica includes examining:

- Geological fault.

- Volcanic activity.

- Hydrometeorological threats.

- Stability of hillsides.

- Geotectonic studies or due to the effects of geological faults.

Geo Costa Rica has experience in the evaluation regarding the threat-risk assessment due to geological faulting, seismicity, liquefaction potential, slope stability, volcanic activity and floods to eventually consider the possibility of developing a specific project and generate recommendations to mitigate possible vulnerabilities that may arise.
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Geo Costa Rica - Environmental Consultants

Processing, monitoring and environmental assessment in hydrogeological studies, natural hazards, well drilling, water concession and Environmental Impact Studies.

More information?

For more information or quotes do not hesitate to contact us
Desamparados San José, Costa Rica
Phone: 2259-7340 Cell phone: 8721-6931 E-mail: apadilla@geocostarica.com
Contact us here!

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